BODY BLOWS - CHEAT + HINTS `N` TIPS ----------------------------------- CHEAT MODE: This cheat requires two joysticks, one in each port. On the Options screen pull left on the joysick in port one and pull right on the joystick in port two for about five seconds and then the cheat options will appear. If you happen to own a copy of Body Blows V2.0 (the version with slightly better and faster gameplay) then the cheat mode is different. All you have to do is hold the joystick in port one down for seven seconds and then the cheat menu will appear. Here are some tips on how to beat most of the characters using Loray. Cossak ------ Despite Cossak`s strength, he is very slow. A constant barrage of Flame Of Buddha (by holding down the firing button) will take care of him, until he gets too close at which point you should posistion yourself right up aginst him and then try an Arrow Hand or a Super Kick to take him out. Maria ----- The Flame Of Buddha really is a godsend, isn`t it? However, it isn`t quite as effective on Maria as on other characters, because she moves about too much. You may need to get in close, beat her to the ground and tie-in the Arrow Hand with various other moves. Yit-U ----- One of the hardest guys to beat is our Yit-U. Make sure you get into him immediately and use the Floor and the Arrow hand. If he does manage to get away then do a low block until he has done his special move. If you can it is always best to get him into a corner and get his legs. Mike and Junior --------------- Get them on a corner and kick their shins in! Ninja and Dug ------------- Provided you keep your distance, the good old Flame Of Buddha should see these guys through. Nick and Dan ------------ The Flame Of Buddha? Who not, eh? It`s worked before. Ensure you block their energy bolts, though.